Getting Started

How is the product price calculated?

Your order price with Spreadconnect is calculated like this:

  • Order price = Base product price + print cost + shipping cost + tax

It is important for you to know that what you pay at Spreadconnect doesn't depend on what you charge your customers. For example, if you want to sell a T-Shirt for $40, we will still use the base product price you see on your product page. This is also true for the opposite, if you want to be aggressive on the market and offer your product at a very low price. The price charged by Spreadconnect will always be the same even if your retail price is lower than the order price of Spreadconnect.

Base product price

Each product has a different price. You can find all the different base price here

The print cost will be influenced by two factors:

  • The number of print areas.

By print areas, we mean where exactly are you placing the designs. If you have a design on the front and the back of the product, that would mean you are using two print areas.

At Spreadconnect, the first print area is always free. There is no additional cost to your products. Every extra print area, however, will be charged an extra $5 / 5€.

  • The print method used.

DTG (or Digital Direct) doesn't have any additional cost. When you use one of the Flex, Special Flex, or Flock design, an extra $2,50 / 2,50€ will be applied. This is a one-time fee for your order. Even if you use multiple print areas with Flex print, the fee will only be applied once.

Shipping cost

You can learn more about our shipping prices here: What are Spreadconnect's shipping times and prices?


Spreadconnect will charge taxes depending on your location and if you applied for an exemption or not.
