You’ve put it to the test, provided feedback, and now it’s here! The new list page for your SpreadShop. It improves the look, feel and customer-friendly appeal of your SpreadShop. Oh yes, and it’s faster as well.
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6 Tips to Get Your Audience Going
Want to excite your audience and create higher rates of interaction? Excitement is the magic ingredient that will help maintain a constant flow of interaction (it should also help your followers fall in love with you and your brand). Best of all, it will make social media rankings fall in love with you! Continue reading to learn the basics of community building.
Adjust old links and improve your Shop Performance
Your Shop loads slowly, when you link to it from i.e. Facebook? It could be due to the use of an old URL structure. Let’s see what you can do.
The Psychological Effects of Colors
Ah, the wonderful subject of color. They beautify the world around us. However, not many people realize that colors are more than just shades and tones. Colors are actually a form of communication. Different colors can trigger certain emotions in our brains, affecting our thoughts and feelings every single day.
Colors can hold multiple meanings based on usage, culture and language, but to fully understand the language of the rainbow, it’s important to know what each color means and how it effects our everyday life. We’ve broken down the emotions triggered by each color, so this can stay in the back of your mind while creating designs for your shop.
How to Resize an Image without Losing Quality
There’s nothing more frustrating than losing photo resolution with resizing. We’ve all been there. Now that everyone’s posting flawless pictures with their smartphones and top-of-the-line cameras, grainy images just don’t seem to cut it. Read more