Swearing and hard work is Nadine aka Fräulein Heiligenscheiss (Miss Holyshit)‘s recipe for success. Bored and annoyed by her full-time job, she dropped everything and started with Spreadshop. She now earns her living with provocative slogans and pretty designs. Read more
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Three Tips for Selling on Instagram
Instagram is an excellent platform for selling designs and boosting your brand equity among consumers. However, few designers know how to take advantage of this resource. With the holidays approaching, we’re here to help. Below, we’ve listed three helpful tips for Instagram newbies. Read more
Spreadshop Tools: Ripl
It’s time to reach more customers. If you want to guide buyers to your Shop via social media, it’s a great idea to take advantage of Ripl, where you can create, manage, and analyze your content. Best of all, it’s free!
Create a Non-Paying Facebook Ad for Your Shop Products
Use your Facebook to make sales. Check out our video tutorial to learn how to create a Facebook ad, including a lesson on tagging and connecting your Shop products.
Important: Legal Info for Companies Is Now More Detailed
We have updated your Shop’s legal info. In addition to the mandatory fields, you can now enter additional information about your company.