Camper Mug Temporarily Unavailable (EU)

Camper Mug Temporarily Unavailable (EU)

The camper mug is a fan favorite. Unfortunately, we’ve had to temporarily list this item as out-of-stock on our European platform.

Why is this product unavailable?

Recently, we’ve had some issues with print quality on our camper mug. Because of this, we’ve temporarily placed the product on stock out. We’ve been unable to print on these mugs without having faded colors, which is likely caused by a coating used by the manufacturer.

What happens next?

It will probably take at least until the end of September for our quality assurance to improve the print quality. Until then Tte camper mug will remain unavailable for your customers to purchase until we’ve fixed the issue. We are working on offering this mug with a new printer.

While it’s not an ideal situation, we want to make sure you and your customers get the best print quality and products possible. Thank you in advance for being patient with us while we figure this out.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns let us know in the comments below!

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Henry Larry
Henry Larry
8 months ago

It is reassuring to see the dedication to ensuring top notch quality for customers. Looking forward to the return of the camper mug with improved printing standards.
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