Introducing: The Stronger Together Project

Introducing: The Stronger Together Project

Join us in using Spreadshop as a platform to create opportunity for artists, designers, and small businesses during this difficult time. Because we’re #StrongerTogether.

What is the Stronger Together Project?

Do you know a small business owner, designer or non-profit organization that has been directly affected by the COVID-19 crisis? The Stronger Together Project is a new initiative to help keep businesses afloat by offering our expertise and connecting those who want to help.

How does the Stronger Together Project work?

As individuals, we have the potential to uplift our communities by offering our expertise and skills. We’ve streamlined the process for you. The Stronger Together Project is designed to connect freelancers, designers, small business owners, and Spreadshop Partners. The idea is that in addition to selling gift cards, small businesses can sell merchandise via Spreadshop until they can reopen, and beyond.

How can I help?

As a Shop Owner, you know the ins and outs of Spreadshop. As a human, you likely know someone impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. If you want to help, here is what you can do:

  • Get excited about the Stronger Together Project
  • Sign-up with any creative skills you have to offer
  • Share the page with friends, family, and members of your community!

In addition to doing good, one of the benefits of joining the Stronger Together movement is that you could become a Featured Partner. We will actively use our platform to promote Shops that take part in this project.

We hope you’re as excited about this as we are. Remember, no matter how difficult life may seem right now—we can work together and create meaningful change!

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Henry Larry
Henry Larry
9 months ago

Inspired by the Stronger Together Project. Can not wait to share this opportunity with my community and contribute to meaningful change.
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