Spreadshop Tools: Vectr

Spreadshop Tools: Vectr

Vector graphics allow your customers to adapt up to three colors of your design, and they’re required for products that can’t be printed digitally. Fortunately, you’ll have no issues creating these designs if you rely on our latest Spreadshop tool: Vectr!

This free, easy-to-use service provides all the tools you’ll need to create your vector graphic, assuring you’ll end up with a sharp, high-quality design. While the tool may appear to be daunting, it really isn’t; after all, Vectr provides users with quick, informative tutorials (like this one) that will help guide you through the entire designing process.

Vector graphics can be included on t-shirts, but they’re mostly common on accessories like hats and bags. These graphics are also useful for digital printing, and this versatility means customers can change the design color. If you’re planning on pushing these products in your Shop, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the entire designing process.

Check out vectr.com