Merch Stats: Spreadshirt App Update

Merch Stats: Spreadshirt App Update

What’s better than checking out your sales statistics and finding a steeply-rising profit curve? Not much, really. To present your sales success as clearly as possible, we’ve updated the Spreadshirt Partner app. The newest version details your sales and the resulting revenue like never before. There are also tips for even more sales success. In other words: making money with Spreadshirt just got even easier. See what’s new.

Information is power, and the Spreadshirt App has evolved to make you a more powerful salesperson. Where the previous version only displayed your number of sales, the update gives you a much more comprehensive picture of sales and revenue across various sales channels and time periods. Try it out right away! If you’re not already using the app, you can easily download it on Google Play or in the Apple Store.

Here are all the details of the new Spreadshirt App update:

The Overview Page

On the updated overview page, you can find out at a glance the next commission payout date, how much you’ll be receiving for that payout, how many sales you have made during a certain time period, and how your sales have developed during this period. An infographic based on your sales figures clearly illustrates the ups and downs of your sales success.


Under “Revenue”, your sales and income are now separated by sales channel. You’ll also see a detailed overview of the type of income you’ve been credited for a certain design. To clarify this even more, you’ll be able to filter earnings by design prize, Affiliate Commission, and Volume Commission. You can also specify a time period so you can see the income of different payout periods in detail.


Under “Sales”, you’ll find a breakdown of your sales statistics, which design or product was ordered and in what quantity, and a breakdown of color and size sales. Again, you can specify certain time periods for your statistics or filter them by individual sales channels.

Selling Tips

If you’re yet to make your first sale or you’re not doing as well as you’d hoped, the updated Spreadshirt App can help get you going with valuable sales tips. Putting this inside knowledge into practice is a great way to kickstart your hard work and effort.


The News section highlights the latest articles published on the Spreadshirt blog.

New Functions, New Name

We changed the application name from “Spreadshirt Partner” to “Spreadshirt Sales Stats” to highlight its functionality.
How do you like the updated Partner app? What types of improvements would you like to see next? Your opinion is important to us! Add your comments below.

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Mupitsukup Aucaman
Mupitsukup Aucaman
9 months ago

Absolutely! When facing intricate assignments, seeking assistance can be a game-changer. Investing in professional help ensures quality work and saves time for other priorities. It’s a smart move to hire someone to do my homework. With expert support, you’ll excel without the stress. Paying for homework help is an investment in success!

7 years ago

I have over 2000 players in my pool league. They are asking for more like hats with designs and the one size flat brim hat polos and other types of shirts

Bill H
Bill H
7 years ago

Would love to see this app working on Samsung Galaxy S8s. Hasn’t ever successfully installed and Partner Support told me “it doesn’t work on many phones” and explained they can’t support them all. S8 is currently one of the 5 most popular devices in the N American market.

Rawley Harris
7 years ago

I love the new lay out, sales notifications are not real time. I receive real time sales email
But the app is sometimes hours, in sometimes a day late in notifying in sales

7 years ago

It would be way more helpful if you could access multiple Spreadshirt accounts from one login

7 years ago

I found this app in the Apple store but only for iPhone, not for iPhone. I’m going to download it to my iPad and see what happens.



7 years ago
Reply to  Jay

The iPhone App seems to be working on my iPad Air. This is really cool.

Thanks and Happy Holidays!
